Tienda web de Roper Pump Company

Nuestra tienda especializada, diseñada exclusivamente para nuestros socios de canal y empleados. Hemos preparado una amplia selección de ropa y regalos promocionales, todos ellos con el logotipo de nuestra empresa.

Power Sections

A top choice among coiled tubing and directional drilling operators

Conventional Power Sections Documents

Configuration Options

  • In addition to our Even Layer options, we also offer a broad selection of reliable and durable conventional power sections featuring our proprietary elastomers
  • A top choice among coiled tubing and directional drilling operators, our standard power sections range from 1-½” to 12-¾” diameter, but we can customize them to meet the newest operating requirements
  • In our state-of- the-art lab, we calculate, test, and verify the ideal interference fit between the rotor and stator for each power section design
  • Each elastomer is designed for stability and resistance to swell in common drilling fluids, and we can help select the best elastomer and rotor/stator fit for the job.

Contact Sales

We can help you configure a pump for your specific application and conditions.

Contact Sales

Let's Talk


Our goal is to offer a variety of elastomer solutions for the application at hand. 

Harder, less hysteretic elastomers deflect less and create stronger seal lines between the rotor and stator while resisting premature chunking. Softer rubber provides more resilience for higher-solid- content applications. To provide the greatest flexibility, we now offer three unique families of elastomer compounds ranging from those based on economical performance to those developed for the most extreme conditions.

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El 1 de agosto estrenamos un nuevo sitio web. Nos oscureceremos el 31 de julio para preparar este gran cambio, así que marquen sus calendarios y prepárense para ver diseños modernos y actualizados en nuestro sitio web.

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