Tienda web de Roper Pump Company

Nuestra tienda especializada, diseñada exclusivamente para nuestros socios de canal y empleados. Hemos preparado una amplia selección de ropa y regalos promocionales, todos ellos con el logotipo de nuestra empresa.


We are happy to announce the dates for our 2017 Roper Pump University!

This year, we will be hosting pump school in Commerce, Georgia, on October 18th & 19th.

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It will be focused to outside and inside pump sales people who may not be very familiar with the Roper product lineup. This will not be a class for mechanics. We would like to have inside sales people that receive application requests, and outside sales people that aren’t sure what Roper Pump applications may look like. We are not teaching basic hydraulics this year instead focusing on finding and selling application solutions. There are a limited number of attendee spaces and we will be selective in who may attend, so be sure to let us know the position and market focus of the people you’d like to send.

The schedule will be travel to Georgia Tuesday Oct 17. Class will run all day Wednesday Oct 18th through lunch on Thursday Oct 19th. Attendees can expect to travel home Thursday afternoon.

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Pronto habrá nuevos cambios...

El 1 de agosto estrenamos un nuevo sitio web. Nos oscureceremos el 31 de julio para preparar este gran cambio, así que marquen sus calendarios y prepárense para ver diseños modernos y actualizados en nuestro sitio web.

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