Tienda web de Roper Pump Company

Nuestra tienda especializada, diseñada exclusivamente para nuestros socios de canal y empleados. Hemos preparado una amplia selección de ropa y regalos promocionales, todos ellos con el logotipo de nuestra empresa.


In the power section industry, we’re always encountering someone who needs a product for a more specific application. Needs range from slower speeds and higher torque to longer or shorter motors depending on the required depth.

At Roper Pump, we don’t try to steer the application to “catalog products” just because it’s easier for us. Custom solutions from Roper Pump are what set us apart and unlike others we don’t require ridiculous tooling charges, massive quantity commitments, or extended development time. Instead, we take great pride in being able to provide custom solutions engineered to fit specific needs in a timely fashion.

We recently had someone request a slower-speed power section, and we engineered the solution, built the tooling, and produced a new part for them in four weeks. We also strive to anticipate the future needs of our customers based on changing market conditions and application demands.  By doing so, we can develop proactive solutions that allow our customers to compete more efficiently in a demanding and dynamic market place.

Case in point, we’ve just completed field trials on a new elastomer designed to increase reliability and power in the most challenging drilling applications. The new 60007 rubber is harder, with better chemical resistance and enhanced thermal properties which means less swell and better performance.

Check back soon for more information on our innovative “007” compound. In the meantime, please let us show you how we can Drill Faster, Drill Longer.

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